Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Some butterflies I did notice yesterday, October 16 2012....
Butterflies are alive and flying! In Madison, they have not succumbed to frost. To find them, seek out COMPOSITES, i.e. plants in the family Compositae...especially goldenrods, tall purple Asters ("New England Aster") and asters with many small, white flowers ("Frost Aster"). These can be found in wild or feral places: near community gardens, along railroad tracks and bikepaths, in "vacant" lots. Probably the most common butterfly you'll find yet this year are Orange Sulphurs, but you might also see any of the following: Clouded Sulphur, Dainty Sulphur (2012 is a banner year for this species), Cabbage Butterfly, Fiery Skipper, Common Checkered-Skipper, Sachem (another skipper) and _____. This last is up to you... DF